A |
Acetate disc | A sound storage device used between the 1930s and 1950s |
Admiralty | Headquarters of the Royal Navy | |
Aerodrome | A small airfield | |
Agent | A spy | |
Internment | Imprisonment | |
Air Intelligence | The section of the Royal Air Force that gathers information for the government about aircraft and its technology | |
Allies | A country which cooperates with another country on military purposes | |
Anti-Nazi | A belief that opposes fascism | |
Aryan | People of Europe or Western Asia, commonly non-Jews | |
Atrocity | A cruel act often involving physical violence | |
ATS | Short for Auxiliary Territorial Service, a unit for women in the British Army | |
B |
British Intelligence | Government agency for internal security at home and abroad |
Batman | A military valet or butler with some ceremonial duties to a high-ranking Officer | |
C |
Classification | Sorting material into relevant groups of date |
Codebreaking | Analysing information to reveal hidden messages | |
Confide | To share information of a sensitive nature | |
D |
Deception | To trick |
E |
F |
Final Solution | Hitler's plan to kill the Jews of Europe |
G |
General | A high rank in the Army |
Geneva Convention | An international Treaty (document) which sets out the code of treatment of people and Human Rights, especially for refugees and Prisoners-of-war | |
H |
I |
Intelligence Corps | A branch of the military that gathers intelligence |
Intelligence Chief | The head of the Secret Service part of an organisation | |
Internment | Imprisonment | |
Interrogation | To formally question someone | |
Interrogator | Someone who questions another in search of information | |
J |
K |
L |
Luftwaffe | The German Air Force |
M |
MI6 | Branch of the British Secret Service for foreign affairs |
M Room | The room which housed the listening equipment | |
Magnetic torpedoes | A weapon capable of running under a ship or submarine, then exploding | |
N |
Nazism | Also known as National Socialism. A Right-wing political party that came to power in Germany under Adolf Hitler in 1933 |
Native | The country you were born in | |
Nissen huts | A tunnel-shaped hut made of iron with a cement floor where listeners would bug the conversations | |
o |
Officers' Mess | The room where officers of the forces take their meals and relax |
Official Secrets Act | A document that is signed when someone works for the British Secret Service which states that they cannot tell anyone about their job | |
Opium | A drug derived from a poppy plant | |
Orphanage | A place which houses children whose parents have both died | |
P |
Pioneer Corps | Labour unit of the British army |
Prisoner-of-war | A military person capture during war | |
Persecution | The killing or unlawful treatment of a group of people because of their race or political beliefs | |
Phoney | A fake | |
Pillage | To steal | |
Pro-Nazi | Supportive of Nazism | |
Psychiatrist | Someone who studies the mind and human behaviour | |
q |
R |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
Rearmament | The upgrade of weapons | |
Reconnaissance | A mission to check out something | |
Refugee | A person who has been forced to leave their country because of war | |
Regime | An ordered way of doing things | |
S |
Stool-pigeon | A man who pretended to be a prisoner |
S boats | A type of submarine | |
Secret listener | A man who secretly listened into prisoners' conversations in their cells in the Second World War | |
Stalingrad | A city in Russia | |
Supremacy | Having a higher power over somebody | |
T |
Transcript | A written copy or reproduction |
Temporary visa | An official document which allows an individual to enter a country for a certain amount of time | |
U |
U-boat | A German submarine |
v |
V1 | Pilotless flying bomb or 'doodlebug' |
V2 | Rocket, the first long-range ballistic missile | |
Visa | An official document which allows an to visit or emigrate to another country | |
W |
Welfare officer | Someone assigned to take care of the needs of other people |
Winston Churchill | British Prime Minister between May 1940-July 1945 | |
X |
Y |
Z |