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Lessons for Key Stage 4 History

Britain and the Second World War - a different type of Home Front


This series of three interlinked lessons aims to support the teaching of the Second World War - particularly from a British and Home Front perspective. It also contributes to “a study of British history in the twentieth century”, and alongside the many M Room online resources can form part of an in-depth study for the new GCSE History curriculum.

It has been assumed that students already have a basic knowledge of key events leading up to and during World War II, as well as an understanding of the Holocaust. But some historical background information, originally written to support Key Stage 3 lessons, is also suitable for students at this level.

The lessons advise the use of selected films and images from LGfL’s M Room resource ( However, the wealth of information available means that teachers or students could use many different images and films for teaching and learning - please take a look at the site.

Lesson titles

  1. Lesson One: The M Room - a secret army of listeners.
  2. Lesson Two: Different types of Germans.
  3. Lesson Three: Winning the war on all fronts.
  4. Standalone lesson: Using the evidence.

Programme of study

History is not a compulsory GCSE subject and therefore does not have a compulsory National Curriculum framework in the same way as English. However, OfQual states that all GCSE History qualifications must cover certain ground. The entire M Room resource and all KS4 History lesson plans have a particularly strong link to the following descriptors. Some of the KS3 lessons may also be of use in terms of differentiation.

GCSE specifications in History must require learners to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of historical periods, themes and topics studied, and their chronology through:

  • Making connections and comparisons between different aspects of the periods, themes and topics studied.
  • Describing, analysing and evaluating the causes and consequences of historical events and situations.
  • Describing, analysing and evaluating changes and developments in the periods, themes and topics studied.
  • Assessing the significance of individuals, events, developments and/or ideas in the history studied.

GCSE specifications in History must require learners to:

  • Investigate specific historical questions, problems or issues, reviewing and reflecting on progress being made.
  • Use a range of historical sources (such as written and visual sources, artefacts, film, ICT, paintings, photographs, music, oral accounts, and buildings and sites) critically in their context, deploying appropriate information and reaching reasoned conclusions.

GCSE specifications in History must require learners to:

  • Independently select, organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways.
  • Use appropriate historical terms and ideas to communicate their knowledge and understanding.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Standalone lesson

Lesson 1 - worksheet

Lesson 2 - worksheet

Lesson 3 - worksheet

Standalone lesson - worksheet

Lesson 1 - resources

Lesson 2 - resources

Lesson 3 - resources

Lesson 4 - resources